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Wednesday 15 July 2015

Information Report: Polar Bears by Jaydon

Polar Bears
by Jaydon

Polar Bears are mammals, because they drink their mothers milk, they are warm blooded, they breathe air, have fur and communicate. 

The Polar beats has a tail that looks like a bunny tail. It weighs 410 to 720 kg. When polar bears stand up it is 3 metres tall. Polar bears have 4 legs and 2 eyes, also 2 ears and a nose. The white fur of polar bears helps them camouflage against the snow. There are up to 2000-2500 polar bears in the world.

Polar Bears are carnivores.  Prey for Polar bears includes seals, walruses, berries, Belga Whales, Narwhals and fish. Predators for Polar bears are Humans. Polar Bears pounce on their prey or use their sharp teeth to catch it. A polar bear eats around 72 seals every year. Polar bears mostly sleep for 7 hours to 8 hours night time.

Countries such as the Arctic, Us, Canada, Alaska, Russia and Greenland are all homes for Polar Bears. Habitat for Polar Bear is areas of sea ice. The Polar bear's Habitat is very cold. 

20 to 30 years is how long Polar bears live for.  Cubs is the name for baby polar bears. Cubs stay with their mother for 30 months but some for 18 months. Polar bear cubs are born alive. Normally 2 cubs are born at the same time.

Polar Bears are badly endangered because of climate change. There are not that many polar bears left in the world. The best place for Polar Bears is the zoo so they have more space and get bred to have babies for more Polar Bears to be in the world. Polar bears in captivity need toys to stop them from getting bored, for example balls that they have to get food out of. Their enclosure should have live seals, fish and walruses to hunt and also lots of icy places.

1 comment:

  1. hi jay it is me oliver and billie we love your story
